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About jsroberge

  • Birthday 01/02/1972

jsroberge's Achievements


Recruit (1/24)



  1. I don't think that even the DVD is worth renting. I'm sure I'll find something else to do with the money :) Don't get me wrong, I also purchase DVD (being the owner of a Carmaggedon DVD) but I won't waste money on that.
  2. I have not heard about it yet. If I find anything on the net I will let you know.
  3. I've played some Diablo and Starcraft but the only games I was good at where Mechcommander 1 and 2. I was in TLC Mechcommander League until MSN Games cut the rooms for online play. If some of you where on MSN you may have spot me under the nick WereGerbile. Lately the only game I'm able to play is Ennemy Territory (based on Wolfenstein and free) Yes, FREE!
  4. A lot of what was said so far is really great so I will put in my two cents and add some more to the lot. 1. Babvylon5 movie 'In the Beginning' when Lando turns from the window and say 'Where was I? Yes! The War!' The minute or so that follow when he explain the last two years of the war between Earth and Mimbar is one of the greatest moment ever. The dialog is great and the pictures associate with it goes straight to the point. 2. Beast War Season 2 episode 'Code of Hero' where Dinobot fights alone against all Decepticon until death to prevent the alteration of time. 3. ALL episodes of Battlestar Galactica so far... (keeping the fingers crossed)
  5. Just to get back at what Marcroft said in post regarding the ressemblence of the Pegasus with the Galactica of the original serie. If you look at the combat plan in episode 2-11, they put on the table a model of both Galactica and Pegasus. Loo closely and you'll notice that the Pegasus is a model of the original Galactica. Just inputting my two cents :)
  6. I personnaly own Deathrace 2000 on DVD that I payed a lot for. (stupid) Best quote of the movie was near the end when David Caradine explain is master plan to his co-pilot and removing his gauntlet for the firt time. You could see a grenade in the middle of his hand and with close-up he says ; this is a hand grenade. ROFL
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