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Crewman (2/24)



  1. 6/10... Line art is rapidly becoming a lost art. Cybermen still have to be the best Dr Who 'bad guys', but only the first time we see them - not the 'Oh my god cybermen in the sewers' plotline.
  2. 'Specialist' - as in the sentence "You put your head in a blender to see what would happen? You total specialist." Derives from 'Special' from "I'm not stupid - my mummy calls me special". Also said by Juliette Lewis in Kalifornia - "Aww Erly, you specialist".
  3. I was about to say LEXX... It was the 'girlies' reference that got me.
  4. Damn straight it does. Google is evil.
  5. Y'see if I was going for a Roald Dahl name, I'd go for DTCOTW...
  6. Bah. I claim 75% credit, dammit.
  7. The Fantastic Mr Fad? The Fantastic Mr Foo? The Fantastic Mr Few?
  8. The Fantastic Mr Fop? The Fantastic Mr Flo? The Fantastic Mr Fan?
  9. The Fantastic Mr Fit? The Fantastic Mr Fed? The Fantastic Mr Fat?
  10. Wasted

    Favorite car

    Seriously, why do you feel the need to keep spouting that 'Germans make the best cars in the world ever'? It's simply not true. British-built cars are way up there - try this: Marcos Mantis GT. British concept, design and build. Supercharged V8. 506 bhp @ 5800 rpm. 0-60 mph: 3.7 sec. Top Speed: 179 mph. And that's the ROAD VERSION. Currently I drive classics as a general rule - I own one of 100 Vauxhall 'Droop Snoot' Firenzas: Not much in terms of power (0-60 in about 7.5 seconds, top speed about 135mph) but for a 1975 classic, it's fantastic to drive.
  11. RealPlayer? Now there's a buggy, spying piece of software. Like before, try VLC - it's a simple, non-commercial player with no strings attached, and it'll play pretty much anything.
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