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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by mcant

  1. I Think I would trust MS as far as I could throw a bull by it's balls, left handed!
  2. me too! I've given up on dvds, I've got an external USB housing and swap HD's onto my 2nd 300 S.F, backup! I hate this place :D
  3. I used a sweek router one time that remembered which PC was used to configure it and would only allow access from that particular PC, unless you hit the reset button, so it could be that
  4. Or just tell them there's Oil ther :rolleyes:
  5. try admin/admin or for linksys leave the username blank and the passwrod as admin
  6. The problem is the EULA, once you click I accept you're kinda buggered
  7. It reminds me a bit of those personal shields in Dune, where you have to stab people slowly, bet someone invents a bullet with a proximity sensor that slows down just before the point of impact
  8. Its Possible they don't care, I recently set up wireless access points for a smallish business and while the network itself is hidden and heavily encrypted, we left internet access open to anyone local, its a fast broadband connection which is only used nine till five for emails!! we figured what the hell, if someone can use it let them, costs us nothing, BTW its unlimited usage
  9. OMFG a massive company plans to profit from mass human suffering? I hate you, you have ruined my faith in Humanitry! As if I ever had any ROFL!
  10. I set up a lot of office networks and frequently leave the internet connection available, I encrypt the network and limit leeching, but I like to leave it open to piggybackers, most of my customers are happy with this, hell one is running a cracked COD2 server :p they only use their connection to got email)
  11. On that logic he could also don a cossack outfit and reform the village people. singing USSR, instead of YMCA? No offence SOV13T, its just a funny image, but I have a warped sense of humour and a twisted imagination ;) Me, born and still living in England. though the family is of Irish descent. all sides. So technically I could get an Irish Passport
  12. mcant


    I'm puzzled why he head butted his chest? What was wrong with his face??
  13. This is a bit off topic but I vaguely remember a short story about a man slowly turning into metal. anyone got a clue what it was? I've googled like crazy but no joy I suspect it was a "Golden Age" story
  14. I wonder if it will be going head to head with Torchwood?
  15. mcant


    and so the Morn appreciation society is reborn
  16. Yep thats the title, "How William Shatner changed the World" LOL, and its our beloved Will in his best tongue in cheek, loud mouthed fool mode, claiming responsibility for everything from ipods to cell phones :D problem is a lot of the inventors are apparently agreeing that Star Trek was at least partly their inspiration! as one guy says, "every geek in the sixties said, we gotta make these work, and by the seventies we had!" This is aired in the UK on Wednesday and as one critic says "even for a non trekkie this is a really entertaining and informative 2 hours of television" So who else is looking foreward to this?
  17. dude! ur turning me on :thinking: Nah its nothing special read some of goebals early work, its basic how to make bullshit sound intellectual if you filter out the double talk it adds up to zero the pc born again socialists have this nonsense down pretty pat I am amused though that this pc nonsense comes from someone living in a country that was still kidnapping black babies 30 years ago, I would be tempted to keep my mouth shut before putting the rest of the world in order I think maybe they should answer for their crimes on that score first before lecturing others
  18. my instinctive gut reaction answer is no.. however I then have to qualify it to myself with a list of names of gay couples whom I know would make excellent parents. I can also think of a number of straight couples who I would disbar from raising puppies! so ultimately I suppose it would depend on the people concerned which is a really lousy answer for a poll
  19. or maybe not? if the child wants to flame bring it on (the silly little politically correct pre pubescent can also explain to my uncle and my cousin how they are imaginary)
  20. a senetnce should be fixed allowing it to be altered gives credence to the spectre of retrospective laws
  21. anyone who was dealt a wrong chromosonal hand at birth and endured all the travails they had to. to correct natures little joke is what ever sex they were meant to be and should be treat the same as anyone else of the gender they were meant to be
  22. Yes yes. You are SOOO right, having financial burdens TOTALLY makes it impossible to have a political opinion, expecially a politically correct one. Much better just to be a bigot really. Oh yeah, all that political correctness is such a terrible burden... you know, good intentions, treating other people with respect. Even GAY people hate that huh? mcant- Or maybe you should just admit your gay friends don't exist and that you've got a few issues in that department - that ANYTHING but closeted homosexuality irks you? I wonder. will you still post here after you hit puberty?
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