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Starfleet Academy
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About K'Tishma

  • Birthday 07/17/1981

K'Tishma's Achievements


Recruit (1/24)



  1. Some of those questions were garbage. I probably even got some of the DS9 questions wrong (my favorite). =P
  2. Odo had human-style sexual intercourse with three women during the seven seasons of DS9. How did he know how to mimick the shape and feel of human male sexual organs??? With the other things he morphs into, he stares at them from point blank distance in order to learn how to shapeshift into them. Just some food for thought. =P
  3. DS9 1. Nerys 2. Rom 3. Weyoun TNG 1. Troi 2. Worf 3. Praetor Shinzon ENT 1. T'Pol
  4. I'll be sure to take a look at it and then get back to you. Thank you!
  5. =/\= My name is K'Tishma and I just wanted to say hi to everybody and to give a thank you to NiteShdw for all of his hospitality in the online Star Trek community! =/\= Also, do many of you play Star Trek text-based RPGS online? If so, please recommend some of the better ones to me. I currently have characters on star-fleet.com and applied for tangofleet.net. Thanks in advance, K'Tishma (deep.space.nine@hotmail.com)
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