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Everything posted by xyon

  1. xyon

    Dr Who Music

    Can't seem to find you as a seed - which is probably why you're not uploading anything.
  2. xyon

    Dr Who Music

    I only managed that because the dvd has a 'soundtrack' only audio channel (apart from 2 tracks). I don't think the new series dvd's do, please correct me if im wrong. If they dont, then you'd get the whole audio which would spoil it.
  3. I'm not one for bringing dead(ish) threads back to the fore, but I did see this today on TrekWeb. Looks like "Star Trek: The Beginning" will be set between Enterprise & TOS so the 12.43% of people who voted for it (at least it was that when i wrote this) should be happy. Could be interesting.
  4. Sticking with the saga thing, 1) A Voyager / DS9 film set between Voyagers return & Nemesis where we tie up all those loose ends and discover some great threat to the galaxy. Right at the end you see Janeway talking to Picard, sending him off to Romulus. 2) A TNG film set after Nemesis which continues this great threat thread whilst also doing a bit about getting used to some new officers, while also doing a 'search for Data' affair. 3) Finally, something set quite a bit later with a whole new ship and crew where the great threat is finally realised and stopped mainly by the new lot, but with help from (basically) all the other generations ... which sets you up for a new tv spinoff with your great new crew who've already saved the galaxy. That way, everyone gets something - a DS9/Voyager film, the 'search for Data', something new and a chance to tie up loose ends and explore space, battles and the relationships of the crew: ie new officers in place of the old ones, families splitting up, etc. The TNG film could have Riker save the day while the first could have cameo's from TOS crew. Of course, this wouldn't get the blockbuster ratings that Paramount seem to think a Star Trek movie should bring in, so it might be better as a set of tv movies - one every 2 or so years which would eventually lead you into a whole new Trek. PS, I might have put too much thought into this
  5. A set of saga films could be good, the Invasion or Double Helix set of books are popular and they span through most of Trek so you could get one with everyone involved, as well as create a new cast for a spinoff tv show. Or they could make the Q Continum books as films and just place them before Nemesis in the timeline.
  6. I'd like one final TNG film were we find out what happens to B4, but it'll never happen. The Romulan Wars was an interesting idea but I'd rather see something set in the future or around the time of TNG - not a prequel (and yes, i realise that its all in the future, but you know what i mean)
  7. The article says That pretty much means its on Earth. Also, another civilisation would suck.
  8. Now, didn't WW3 happen in the 2060's in the Star Trek timeline? :p Thats what gets me. I'm pretty sure WW3 ended in the early 2060's, but I don't know when it started. The Eugenics Wars were going on in the 1990's, maybe its that?
  9. Making the New Frontier series would be interesting, but I doubt they'd get Ashley Judd to reprise her role.
  10. I changed my mind, I don't care what they come out with, rubbish or otherwise. I want LeVar Burton to go on his killing spree, see TrekWeb.
  11. You missed out the Terran Empire from the mirror universe - who can say no to the uniforms in the Enterprise era, or the Intendant in DS9? :D
  12. It sounds like they're planning to do something with lots of previous cast members, but it's too close to reality. Especially since it'll take a few years to make, infact, it will be lucky to be out before 2010. I'm curious about the people who voted that they want the film in 2010 - is this because you geninely believe it will be a good film and good trek, or do you just want Star Trek given to you by the people who make it?
  13. We've all heard the rumors that the next movie would be set before 'all other trek', but it could be as early as five years in the future according to TrekWeb. Personally, my heart sank when I first found out that Enterprise was set before TOS and this is just worse news. But what does everyone else think? Seeing as how theres a leadup to this (Eugenics & third world wars) which was in the future when they drummed it up; a time which we've now lived through, are they making a mistake? Comments welcome.
  14. Just watch Trekkies 2. It has a guy talk about Gene Roddenbery at a convention, he said "trekkie" and someone in the audience shouted back "trekker". Roddenbery then shouts back "no its trekkie, I should know, I invented it". End of argument. (Not that I care, I say trekkie and the only people who annoy me are the ones who want to fight over trekkie and trekker). (By the way, I can do all but about 5 on that list :p)
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