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How awesome is that, leave it to the Japanese to do Japanese things :P,I hope 20 years from now i can look forward to updates about robot rebellion on moonbase!!! well thats not likely :P but at least the potential of that idea being there would be awesome and iit would just be awesome for a moonbase to exist and to be full of QRIO's how awesome would that be!!!! especially after 20 years of development!!!! If they need a babysitter hook me up!!!

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This is all good and all, but this does bring up the issue of who get's the economical benefits from the mining?


Since there is no nation with a true claim on the Moon, the Moon belongs to all people. You can't have the large corporations get the credits either, that would be even worse.


Further I seriously doubt that if Japan/US/... or whatever country/corporation goes on to mining the Moon, will be willing to donate the bigger part of their income from this source to the people.


And even more, if they were willing to do so, what organisation would be suitable for the equal distribution of these funds. If you leave it up to the UN, by the time the distribution can occur, there will be nothing left to distribute...


Now that I've added these issues to the discussion, it might be needed to move the topic to the mirror universe, but I still think it's something that needs to be discussed! ;)


If these things have been satisfactory dealth with, I can only support and cheer for this technology!

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  • 2 weeks later...

maybe rather than moving any material back to earth it should be processed there and used to build structures, this would help avoid the issue of who gets the profit.


the robots could also start producing oxygen from the lunar dust (see nasa's moonrox competition)

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I think australia should pull its finger out and start a space program, we have land close enough to the equater and we are producing world leaders in the relevant technologies but they are being forced to go overseas to find work

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  • 3 weeks later...
What's all this about mining the moon? I keep hearing that as far as mineral deposits are concerned' date=' the Moon is fairly poor in them.[/quote']



where there is water there is fuel. that being said the whole purpose of this station/base is for future mars missions.

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  • 1 month later...
where there is water there is fuel.


Oh no wilbur! The MOON LEVEE just broke! huyuk huyuk..

All the robots and moon houses got worshed away. You get the idea. We're not smart enough to build quality cars or anything ELSE, let alone a damn "moon base". It ain't gonna happen, because last I saw, robots don't walk the streets talking on cell phones. So what is a mobile phone co. president doing heading a space exploration agency? Wrong person for the job. Like BUSH being president. Oh yeah, he's mentioned in the article too!


How do they expect to get this stuff there? They've already told the nation that the space shuttle is a piece of junk that should never have been built. Do they have something else on the drawing board? I doubt it. We haven't developed half as far as we should in the LAST 25 years. I don't see how we can improve anything in the next 20 either. Note: "three of Japan's satellite launches failed catastrophically, casting doubt on the nation's rocket technologies." "Japan's space program has historically looked to the United States for leadership, so the realization of Tachikawa's dream may depend on the America's continued commitment to return to the moon."


We're going to spend how much on this when we can't even get enough money to cover $200 billion in hurricane damage because some jerkwater boobs couldn't build a city or live in a safer place? aiya.. It's got a lot of good intentions, but unless there's something on the moon or mars that the govt. isn't telling us about, it's not worth it. We can explore other planets from earth JUST fine.


I think I'm turning Japanese.


Actually the Chinese have a better chance at doing this than the Japanese hahah. They've got the manpower, but not the will to do it. They should just build a huge honkin space conveyor belt or escalator to the moon!

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1) The moon will become like the ISS: popular for a short period of time, then underfunded, unless theres something more exciting than turning soil into oxygen and moon rabbit farming.


2) If this succeeds (due to another Space Race to get a base on the moon coz the Chinese suddenly wants to join in), then we're dealing with another Antartica kind of place. Noone really claims the Moon, but the superpowers sure as hell have got everything under their control. Anyone read "Ice Station" by Matthew Reilly? Really awesome book... Seems very realistic and could happen too.


3) wahaha is right... we're spending money on extraterrestial concerns when America is being bashed and bullied by the wind? Well.. actually it kinda works... So if the earth explodes in on us, at least humanity will survive coz we've spread to the moon. If i suddenly get conglomerately rich in the future, that's my plan. Expand to outer space so that if Earthlings kill themselves we've still got a second chance.


Btw, Google's presence on the moon isn't significant! Its just their storage of internet porn and filtering mechanisms for China's internet.

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