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Is there "life" after death?

Guest c4evap

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Guest c4evap

Expire. Kick the can. Pass away. Pass on. Cross over. Give up the ghost. Croak. Bite the dust. Buy the farm. Cease to be. Fade away. Succumb. Drop dead. Die.


So...this is the BIG question...


What do you think happens after you "shuffle off this mortal coil" (as Shakespeare asked)?


Me? I believe I've been here before and will return (reincarnation) once I've figured out just what it is I'm supposed to do in this life and then "kick the can".


How 'bout you?


c4 B)

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I think we all are a part of a great force surronding the whole universe and beyond. We become individuals for a while and contribute to this energy, force, god, whatever you call it via our life, via our thoughts, And than as death comes we unite again to become one.

I don't know what happens next. Sorry! ;)

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Guest c4evap
Don"t know' date=' there must be something i guess. But I'll tell you guys what it is when i get there.. (I could swear i said the same thing in another thread, hmm i've been around to long)[/quote']


Hummmmmmmmmmmmmm. Houdini said the same (not about the thread however :p )


c4 B)

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i got my own belief on the whole thing.


i believe we are reincarnated and also in a kind of heaven and hell. i have never read anyone with similar beliefs but im sure theyre out there.


if we are reincarnated then i believe that this is the afterlife and we create our own heaven/hell on earth.


the bible writes about the concepts of heaven and hell and how to achieve them.


some of the christian union here at uni wander round lookin reasonably pleased with themselves most of the time. they look like they found theyre heaven. not really caring about what is goin on with other people or seeking their approval - just happy the way they are.


sadly they also feel they gotta convince others to do the same. but im gettin off topic.


i dont think that we're reincarnated forever and ever tho. i believe that once you take away everything that we perceive then we are simply energy with no way of perceiving anything.


so in answer to the poll i pick multiple options


have fun

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I'm pretty sure Death is the end, no coming back, no new life, no nothing....


But I also hope that I'm wrong, I guess that's because nobody wants to die, everybody wants to live on just a little while longer.


One silly argument for death is the end: it would be pretty crowded up there by now if everybody who ever died still lives on over there.... :)

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I believe we all become Space Flowers and if someone ends up smoking us spaceflowers we're banished into the Rura Penthe...


:stare: :stare: :stare: :stare:


I dare you to challange my point of view!! Or.. well you could always ask me to rephrase what I really think



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There IS "life" after "death"... if "life" is an euphamism for dessert and "death" is an euphamism for supper! ^_^


If not? *shrug* ... no clue, and I don't really want one, given the requirements for admission to THAT theater... ^^

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heaven and hell, but not in the sense that heaven is a perfect place somewhere in the sky where you can do no wrong. Nor is hell a place of pure hate, pain and torture somewhere 'down there'.


From my understanding hell is simply death of both the body and soul, where as heaven is a new earth (as in the current one ceases to exist) where everyone who chooses to lives in perfect harmony free of gealousy, hatred, imorality, disease, poverty and corruption. Everyone will be equal and have freedom of choice for both good and bad, however we will fully understand the consequences of our actions, so why would anyone choose to act negatively. Im also certain we cant even imagine a life in pure harmony, and i also know the prospect is too good to be passed up. Atleast in my opinion it is.


-The Unknown

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Being as energy can never be destroyed only changed into another form, one can surmise that we are in a sense imortal.

A better question may well be not is there life after death, but will we be in a form that remembers this reality.

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Whoa.... this post started on 8th and got reincarnated on the 17th.


Anyway I chose that when we die, we die for good. My understanding of the universe right now is too limited to accept that lifeforms are beings of energy. I don't want to say that I am for certain, because having done no experiments on it myself, I cannot establish my belief in this matter. I'm not going to pass judgement on whether spirits exist and for that matter, ghosts. All I know is we are made of matter and our consciousness could just be the interaction of matter (via energy created by the matter?). So when we die, the matter takes on another form (bites the dust, if you may), but we as a collection of that matter then cease to exist.


Reincarnation is a hard concept because technically the cells that make up our memory banks are dead and gone. And the hormones and lifelong experiences that make up our personality will be gone too. So what is reincarnation if we can't keep our personality and memories? How do you define reincarnation then?


Anyway I haven't really read much on this topic. This is just self-belief. And btw, yes I am an atheist.



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If we can't remember what happened before we were born then will we remember anything after we die.. We know that energy is converted from one form to another at time to time. We were energy before birth with no comprehension as to who or what we were. When we die will will become nothing again. In theroy B)

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well I was talking to my dead Uncle Fred and he told me that there is no such thing as life after death .Then he started on about how his wife , my Aunt Mary was still hounding him in the afterlife and he was wondering that if he died again could he ascend to a higher plain that she could not nag him there .


the moral to this story is always listen to my dead Uncle Fred after having had a few too many drinks

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