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Career Choices: What we Need for Space Exploration


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Say, that human body is a demanding bugger to haul around in space - wonder if we're not gona start out with AI-controlled bots well before humans arrive at a given colony. So in that case we need GEEKS to develop the necessary tech-level in computers!


Anyone up for creating HAL?....anyone?!

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It could be. I do know some young PhD students (20 somethings) and post-docs under 30. But it seems that space physics isn't hip enough right now ... too many people have their eye on an MBA. We'll end up a third-world nation of managers and burger-flippers. India and Russia will have the software brain-pool; China and the EU will take the lead in the sciences.


Don't forget NHL, NBA, & all the other alphabet soup of the sports world.....


They can shoot a basketball from the enemy team's end zone, but can't tell you what 2+2 is, or write their own name!!





:mad: :mad: :mad:


And they make so much $$$ !!!


It will be a beautiful day when teachers get paid more than sports, music, and film stars ... but I doubt that will happen any time soon in Western capitalist society.

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There's to many answers to that question. Where can one start. I could list for days and not get any where. I'll just say this. The US needs to put more money into education. Like most countries, education is not one for funding. When you have a society that believes in what their leaders say. It's all down hill from there. The US may be the most powerful country, but not in brains.


We've thrown billions at education every year, and every year, the money disappears.


.....It's not getting to the schools, i can assure you.





But school administration ... they don't seem to be as short of supplies as classrooms do!

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Don't forget NHL, NBA, & all the other alphabet soup of the sports world.....


They can shoot a basketball from the enemy team's end zone, but can't tell you what 2+2 is, or write their own name!!





:mad: :mad: :mad:


And they make so much $$$ !!!


It will be a beautiful day when teachers get paid more than sports, music, and film stars ... but I doubt that will happen any time soon in Western capitalist society.



There was a time when teachers were concidered high up on the totem pole. But that was back in the 1700's-1910. After that it's gone down hill.

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In Canada, teachers have a strong union. They get what they want when they want it or they strike. It does suck at times for my students when that happens. I can't teach the fine art of plant life. My prof. told me today that my class load was going to be bigger next term. Twice the amount of people have applied for the course I teach. My 6 months in Vancouver are looking good now. (My Prof. teaches a co-op course. Half at school & half at his farm.)

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My prof. only makes $75,000.00 CAN a year. Not much when you see his work load.



tell me about it dude.


i gave up my old job to come to uni and hopefully make money in the oil industry. im not too bothered about geology but dont wanna spend my life on £17K a year.

but sadly thats what the job paid

i used to work on an inpatient unit for teenagers with mental health problems. greatest job i ever had.


looks like i'll join the newly begun family business tho now.

still if i work for myself i can call the boss an asshole and get away with it ;)

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i gave up my old job to come to uni and hopefully make money in the oil industry. im not too bothered about geology but dont wanna spend my life on £17K a year.

but sadly thats what the job paid


See if there's a copy of Hubbert's Peak: The Impending World Oil Shortage in the library. Deffeyes lays out a reasonably good case for global oil production peaking in 2005, and not later than 2009. I don't trust his conclusions to be as precise as he seems to, but I doubt the peak is later than 2015.


i used to work on an inpatient unit for teenagers with mental health problems. greatest job i ever had.


Ever seen the movie Manic, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt (the kid from 3rd Rock) and Don Cheadle? After working on the teen unit, I'd be interested in your take on it. Mental health work can be very rewarding, but again, salaries don't compete.


As an engineer, I can find a salaried position making 100K+ with bennies. The average MFT in California - with a masters degree in psych, 3000+ hours of supervised clinical work, and two rigorous board exams - earns $36K/yr when employed, or $72/hr in private practice (overhead has to come out of that AND I don't know any therapists who can see much more than 15 or 20 clients/wk).


The average computer science BA makes about what the average California teacher does, straight out of college vs. 15+ yrs experience + continuing ed!

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The average computer science BA makes about what the average California teacher does' date=' straight out of college vs. 15+ yrs experience + continuing ed![/quote']


Rather dismal, isn't it?





Yes. Especially since we live in a market economy. In theory, people don't value those to whom they abandon their children for most of their childhoods. Preschool teachers make even less, yet they can have far greater impact on how children grow up. Most teachers spend more time in the classroom with kids than their parents spend in the same room with them. I feel a rant coming on :o :cyclops: nah, it passed. I narrowly avoided diving into the whole factory education system as state-sponsored babysitting to prepare proles to be obedient and tolerate boredom so they can take their place as drones of the system someday. :mad: :o :cyclops: Nope! I ain't gonna go any further down that road.

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The first aspect I would change is to make school fun again.........


When we discussed something in school, we oft times would go on field trips to examine & discuss the matter in more detail.


.....Not sure if that's being done anymore or not.





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I've no idea what they do in grade - high schools these days. When you get to universities though' date=' most take field trips to the pub. For indepth discussions on how many beers they can drink & still get back to class on time.[/quote']


Much of my appreciation for nature, science, and the arts came from these field trips.


.......Of course back then, we didn't have paintings of Jesus Christ floating in urine.





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i used to work on an inpatient unit for teenagers with mental health problems. greatest job i ever had.


Ever seen the movie Manic, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt (the kid from 3rd Rock) and Don Cheadle? After working on the teen unit, I'd be interested in your take on it.


i havent seen that movie but will keep an eye out for it. it'll be a couple of weeks til i can watch it tho.


the oil industry is gonna die eventually but i dont know about productivity projections.

i also would question the figures the conclusion is based on which says production will peak in the next few years.


engineering sounds like pretty good money tho.


the family business looks promising. my mother just moved into a caravan on a trailer park last year after selling her house and investing in a property builing venture in bulgaria.


bulgaria joins the EU in 2007 when anythingbought there will increase in price quite dramatically.

first thing to do is buy a bar. a good one willprovide accommodationand an income while planning whereto invest next.


means a hard summer selling property in bulgaria.


get this there was a chic my mum met whose name translates as....snow white. :D


think theyre gonna need property developers on the moon?

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