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Which Battlestar Galactica Character Are You?


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"You are Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer). You have many personalities. You are a leader, a fighter, a lover, but also a killer. It's best to stay on your good side."





I'm my own woman of my dreams...I totally wasn't trying to get her either, but some of these answers are pretty transparent:


"Anything (as long as it pisses off my dad)" um...The Apollo response maybe?? ;)

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You are Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer). You have many personalities. You are a leader, a fighter, a lover, but also a killer. It's best to stay on your good side.


283 other people got this result!

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You are Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer). You have many personalities. You are a leader, a fighter, a lover, but also a killer. It's best to stay on your good side.


Take this quiz!





No idea if this is a good or a bad thing though, never seen any new BSG episodes. ;D


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You are CPO Galen Tyrol (Chief). People look to you for guidance and leadership. You are the "good guy" who also gets the girls... a hunk of man really.



1367 other people got this result!

This quiz has been taken 5218 times.

24% of people had this result.



does this mean I'm one of the FIVE? not a Borg but a Cylon?

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