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Back to the Moon (Part 2)


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They should have been there done that along time ago.



Yes they should have but at least they are finnaly getting there heads out of there butts and thinking of a better and proven way of getting it done. They are using existing parts for some of the hardware and working things out much as they did during the Apollo ara. Some things that are different are that they are sending up a ship first and then sending up the people to dock and fly to the moon.


Me personaly I like what they have proposed and hope it works out for them in the long run.

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Well the big problem is resources to do that. NASA is crazily underfunded because noone really gives a hoot about space programmes anymore as compared to back in the early days post-cold-war era. Unless the major mining companies find a way to make huge profits from the iron ore on the moon, or some humungous benefit to mankind from flying space shuttles into outer space (sunshine farming anyone?), space programmes won't get the required funds to do anything super amazing thats in line with current technology. So don't go dreaming just yet.



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2018??? We should be building space stations on that stupid rock in 2018. Any idea how much oil is on the moon.... (a few drops maybe, but if can convince certain people that there is they'll try to conquer it in no time. (oh, I meant explore)) :cyclops:

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the element Helium3 is a good enough reason to go. The moon has lots of it and it may help us with getting fusion to work better. We don't have it on the earth in such large quanitities because our atmosphere blocks it as it comes from the sun.

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2018??? We should be building space stations on that stupid rock in 2018. Any idea how much oil is on the moon.... (a few drops maybe' date=' but if can convince certain people that there is they'll try to conquer it in no time. (oh, I meant explore)) :cyclops:[/quote']


What a cracking idea!!

They would have thousands of people living up there in less than a year if that were true!!

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I think it's great to see and hear about this on the news lately, but it's probably just a way for George W. Bush to get some brownie point support from US citizens, since his approval rating has dropped to new lows lately.


If this is really a serious endeavor, we must first slowly pull out of Iraq, and re-allocate the funds that would have been spent there, and then, spend untold billions of dollars $ US to help rebuild New Orleans and the surrounding areas that were devestaed by hurricane Katrina.


After that, it might be hard to tell where the funding will come from.

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Fuck NASA. Bunch of bueracratic idiots.


1: The moon is useless to us now. We can't harness Helium 3 because Fusion technology is limited

2: They can go to mars from $10-30bn to mars while the money cost $104bn


4: NASA is not underfunded. Most of its money is wasted on the useless shuttle and ISS.


NASA won't get us to space. 40 years after moon landing we haven't gotten any futher. It took us 40 year to go back there. NASA sucks. Don't Hold your breathe people. It will be the private sector that will open space to us. Like SpaceX and 4Fronteir.

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Yeah I am starting to think they have been wasting money for decades. They should be looking into the future and take bigger steps. Like the mining and processing of minerals in space to allow construction up there, of craft or stations. That would save money of lifting materials into space in the long run.


From what I have read of NASA's plan so far, they arent bold enough. If the US keeps dragging its feet I hope other nations will step forward as the pioneers of space technology.



btw we arent doing too badly with fusion technology. The theory has been well researched and tested. There are plans to have the first large scale reactor completed by 2016, based on the brilliant russian invention, tokomak. The test reactor will be 500MW which is large compared to the US' test nuclear reactor which was only 0.1MW.


Also there is no oil on the moon, or any celestial body that has not supported alot of life. Oil is created from the decaying remains of plant and animal life under pressure and heat...............oh this is interesting, just read this. Apparently there is infact a theory that oil can be produced without life, in environments with methane. Although this still rules out oil on the moon.

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Apparently there is infact a theory that oil can be produced without life' date=' in environments with methane. Although this still rules out oil on the moon.[/quote']


Ther is an unusally high amount of Methane in Mars. Bacterial life maybe.

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yeah i also have to agree its a sheer waste of money' date=' when you consider it could be used for better things back on earth, how can you justify wasting 100's billions of dollars on a project that might not really benifit most peoples lifes.[/quote']


The US is great at wasting money. So far the war on drugs has cost the tax payers over a trillion $. It hasn't stopped anything yet.

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Well we need to get a move on with space. The way the population is going earth can not support the growth. We need to find other resouces and a way to move out to other planets..


They should build a base on the moon to lunch our ships into space. It would help out on the enviorment here on earth.

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yeah i also have to agree its a sheer waste of money' date=' when you consider it could be used for better things back on earth, how can you justify wasting 100's billions of dollars on a project that might not really benifit most peoples lifes.[/quote']


Wouldn't benefit anyone? Well your right about The Mon but wrong about mars.


1: Population: The Human race is increasing to fast. The Earth can't keep coping with this.

2: Resources: Mars has rare resources in abundance. Who ever gets them first is going to be a rich man. This will create an industry.

3: Technology: Has always in our history when significant events occur we always get a jump in Technology.


The question isn't why go to space? it is Why we SHOULDN'T go to space.

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