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Science or Sci-Fi?


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Well that was fun for all of about 10 minutes. ;) I thought that by p[osting at six in the morning my time people would still be drinkin' coffee...


Congrats to the two smarties that solves my puzzle in under 15 minutes of it being posted. Yes it is an Ion engine, and yes it is off the DS1 probe.

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DS1 ahh that was the name!!!! i've been tring to remeber the name for like 3 months now. Yea DS1 was powered with a xenon particle flow. The xenon was ionized then shot out of the engine with the help of mesh that was negatively charged. And the energy used to ionize the xenon was gathered from solar energy. They used xenon because it is the heaviest, most stable element known to exist.

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Sorry we solved it so quickly.

Don't be sorry. It's nice to see that you guys are so on the ball when it comes to science!


Captain zgamesforu, they also used xenon because it's a lot easier to maintain as a gas in low temp than Cesium or Mercury. Also it's a lot cleaner to deal with that the byproducts of the other materials.

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I saw the special that Discovery did on DS1. The mission plan was to send it out to rendezvous with a comet and take detailed pictures. This was to be the first test of the ion engine. They were also testing a new advance nav system that could make self correcting course corrections based on pictures the probe took through out the trip. Things were going fine for the first 20 minuets the engine was on, then the engine cut out. After 12 to 24 hours, they were able to get the engine going again. The rest of the mission went as planed except that the nav system broke down somewhere and the probe was about 100 miles of course. The problem was that the comet was to dark in the pictures the probe took so the nav system couldn’t get a fix on it. They tried a last minuet ground controlled correction, but they were not able to get as close to the comet as they wanted to.

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obviously it is some gold coloured aluminum foil.. wrapped aroud a plastic ring and a cheap flashlight. Therefore it must be science. If it where Sci-Fi it would look much better...as everything on film or tv looks better ;)


Now thats logic... :stare:

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Of course, it does look like something that came out my but one day. The flame that is .


Alrighty then! The next probe we launch can carry a pressurized cylinder of chili and use psheldrake1's ass as a propulsion system!

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Of course, it does look like something that came out my but one day. The flame that is .


Alrighty then! The next probe we launch can carry a pressurized cylinder of chili and use psheldrake1's ass as a propulsion system!



lmfao, oh man!!!! that's just great! i have a friend we could send along, as a second 'propulsion system'!

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Alrighty then! The next probe we launch can carry a pressurized cylinder of chili and use psheldrake1's ass as a propulsion system!


Surgeon General's Warning:


Never drink soda & read these boards!





well, what do you suggest we spew all over our monitors ehh?

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