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Star Trek Voyager Movie


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Voyager returns home, the Borg are really pissed off! They attack the Alpha quadrant, Humans, Klingons, Cardassians, Bajorans, Romulans and even the Jem'Hadar (not sure how DS9 ends yet) all join together to defend the quadrant. All the previous Captains - ship crews are there and all the ships too!


That would be awesome imo.

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Let me think on that...


A VOYAGER movies... the last time anyone came up with such a bad idea was making an ENTERPRISE movie... or a CHARMED movies.

Seriously dude... did u even listen to ur idea...

Got lost in the Delta Quadrant... AGAIN ?... Returning AGAIN... with the SAME crew.

n same SHIP AGAIN !! Now if u say different SHIP... it won't be VOYAGER.

and lastly

WHY !?... Seriously... W H Y !!??


This is freaking hilarious! Well said!

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Yeah, my thoughts exactly but then it's clear that Berman hadn't learned anything after however many years at the helm of Trek as demnostrated by his inability to ever effect any significant improvement in ratings - quite the opposite. Quite frankly, given the direction and quality of Star Trek since Gene Roddenbury's demise, I wonder whether - given the oppurtunity - he'd put Berman/Braga in charge again.


Prequels always seem to be self-defeating unless they're planned in advance... and if they were planned in advance, surely you'd have had the common sense to actually produce them first... which is of course the problem, it basically means you want to do even less work than you'd do for a sequel. LAZEEE.

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Hmm... yeah I agree.

I was really upset in DS-9 that they never showed the Enterprise in one of the battles. not even in the final battle.

But yeah... they could Intrepid class and THE VOYAGER in fights.

kinda like hero ships... like how Defiant was in DS-9

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Voyager lacked creativity' date=' was simply a TNG ripoff. The story of Voyager was one of pomp, under-represented characters and the infamous 'Voyager Syndrome' mentioned on this forum some time ago. Everyone had to part of 'the family' or else. Fortunately for us all VOY ended and that is that.[/quote']




Where's Wesley Crusher and the Time Traveler movie(s) when you need them most?


:p :p :p Now that's funny!


Voyager returns home, the Borg are really pissed off! They attack the Alpha quadrant, Humans, Klingons, Cardassians, Bajorans, Romulans and even the Jem'Hadar (not sure how DS9 ends yet) all join together to defend the quadrant. All the previous Captains - ship crews are there and all the ships too!


That would be awesome imo.


Hahaha...I don't think Kirk can make it! :p But otherwise, not a bad idea.


c4 B)

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Federation: We are recieving a galaxywide message in all the sub-space bands.

Romulans: We concur.

Klingons: AAARRRGGGHHH... who dares take up our communication lines

Dominion: Interesting... the message appears to be transwarp in nature.

Species 8472: Ok... but what does it say.


After careful enhancements they get the following message.





P.S. Special Message for Capt. Janeway. Thank you for teching us how to create new technology... and our gratitude for helping us to create the Ablative armour and Transphasic torpedoes.


Everyone: W T F !?


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Surely A DS9 movie is the logical progression after ST X:Nemesis?


Why are you even considering a Voyager movie? Such a sad excuse for a Star Trek show belongs in the DVD bargain bins, not on the big screen for God's sake. None of them could even act! Bar Robert Picardo and he was criminally limited by the stupid story arc. I mean, HARRY KIM?!!? Kes?!?! Tom Paris?!?! There's no excuse for such pointless, witlessly bland characters.


Deep Space Nine had beauty, scope, emotion, boundless imagination, truly tremendous actors (notice Jeffrey Combs never appeared in VOY!!) and absolutely phenomenal writing staff. Get Ronald D Moore on the case and let's find out what happened to sisko after he joined the Prophets...what happened to Odo in the Link...how Bajor developed following the destruction of the Pah-wraiths...how the balance of power hangs in the quadrant following the War...

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Voyager and Deep Space 9 are BOTH out of the question for a feature movie. Both of those series were specifically closed at the end, so neither has a realistic chance of ever spawning a movie.


3 realistic possibilities remain:


- another TNG

- a prequel (be it before ENT or between ENT and TOS)

- intro to a new series (not very likely, since to bold a move for the studios to take)

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Hmm... yeah I agree.

I was really upset in DS-9 that they never showed the Enterprise in one of the battles. not even in the final battle.

But yeah... they could Intrepid class and THE VOYAGER in fights.

kinda like hero ships... like how Defiant was in DS-9


If you read the books, the Enterprise D was destroyed or somthing, and the new E came out. But Picard does a lot of cool missins in the Dominion war books.



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I knw... Ent D was destroyed after Season 3 [Generations] Season 4... WORF came... Season 5 middle... the BORG Attack...

So by season 6... specially by sacrifice of Angels... Ent E high and running.

It shud've ATLEAST taken part in the final battle in dogs of war and what u leave behind.

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if we think about it, for a star trek film to be sucessful it has to appeal to all viewers trekkies and non-trekkies alike.


I for one wouldnt mind seeing lenard nimoy directing it just ashame he's getting on a wee bit now.


I for one did like voyager but i would prefer a DS9 film to be honest and it was not totally wrapped up at the end of season 7, worf got made a ambassidor, miles got a posting to earth, kia stays on the station, capt sisko well is with the prophets. Odo,Rom,Quark and nog all stay on the station.


DS9 certainly has the scope and possiblilities to become a film, more so than voyager.


I also think it would be a great idea having a story arc like what happened with wrath of khan, search for spook and the voyage home as thoses three films seemed to work pretty well.



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I imagine they didn't want to take focus away from the DS9 crew... and really' date=' at a pivotal moment like the last battle - the last thing you want is Ezri and Troi talking about how utterly useless they both our.[/quote']


We don't need to see them BUT

THE ENTERPRISE :(... making a grand entrance like in 1st Contact.

You just CAN'T beat that 'WOAH...AWESOME' feel B)

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