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Janeway VS Picard


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Janeway is (by far) my least favourite captain....


and Picard my Favourite.


I always loved it when Janeway got injured or killed....

... my Favourite scene is when she got smacked by the Kazon...

i'd be cheering going:

"yeh, take that Janeway... thats for getting your crew stranded in the Delta Quadrant,

and making all those all-mighty-am-Janeway decisions...."





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Janeway is pretty smart from her studies... but i think shes more lucky then anything.

Picard is also very intelligent, but I think both capatains rely on their crew.. so the question is who's crew is smarter? I would say Picards.

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I'm going for Picard, since I have a distaste for Janeway's way of dealing with things.


She might have a nice 'academic' background (don't know about Picard's really, I guess they (writers) figured he was good enough as it is and didn't need the 'extra push' of diplomas, while Janeway was a pretty weak character to begin with imo) but that's about it.


So, in the end it depends on how you define smart... Is it a pure knowledge-and-application-of-it-thing, or does it also have to do with intelligence/character/experience... For me it's the latter, so even more reason to go for Picard.

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Picard actually CAPTAINED his ship. Janeway spent 90% of her time running around the ship trying to do everything herself, going down to planets, putting herself in the line of fire - basically all the things a captain should be getting other people to do.


I think if you're putting reasons like "hair" and "drinks coffee" - you're struggling.

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Picard - there is a reason why he commands the flagship.


Janeway is not a team player unless the other people tend to agree with her. Look at Scorpion - Chakotay made a decision rather then face assimilation - and Janeway was quite miffed about that. She continually 'bitch slaps' him into place through out the seven years and seems to make random decisions based on that time of the month. If it was as simple as following starfleet orders then I could accept that - but she doesn't even do that. Her decisions and reasons behind them are inconsistant.


Picard is consistant - often taking the morale decision as opposed to the logical or the dictated Starfleet way- he is what a Captain should be. All in all though thats why he isn't an Admiral. Because he is not two faced and he has principles.

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well i like both of them, but i have to go with Picard, i found that in most episodes he found believable was around problems, when Janeway seemd to "luck out" sometimes. Not to say that Picard never did tho, it just seemd like Janeway hade more of it.

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I'd have drawn that conclusion but the distinct lack of anything approaching humour in the list dissuaded me from assuming that.


And I agree with Marcroft - Janeway seems to be fine with having command staff, unless they ever differed in opinion. It's inherently against the interests of an efficient command structure to have the 1st officer and captain bitching at each other.

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man, when c4 gets here, stuff will fly ;p


Yeah, I am gonna go w/ Picard on this one. Sorry c4 but I do like janeway sometimes. To me Picard just thinks more long term, which enables him to deal with a situation that is more beneficial to his crew and Starfleet in the long run.


I will say that Janeway does have her moments tho. But First off she stranded her crew in a pretty short sighted manner. Another Example is her alliance with the borg... She had choice to let the borg be killed... she choose to save them. She had the means to kill 8472 and no means to kill the borg... She could have fought her way through the 8472 and get back to SF and give them the weapon to figh 8472, but no... the borg allinace... lame...

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Janeway also passed on a couple of oppurtunities to have Q take her home - seemingly because she wanted to "get home without cheating" or something.


And yes, when c4 gets to this thread I imagine we will be suitably educated as to Janeway's superiority.

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