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Borg question


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Sorry if I totally missed a few things in the history, but I've just watched the Borg Collective DVD set, most of First Contact, and read the Wiki, and I still have questions.


Mostly, its about their control.


In TNG it is stated and shown that the Borg are a unified operating conciousness. Sure, accepted, that is what they are. When they find Hue and talk to him and get him to become an individual, later releasing him and even later, having him break down the Borg, exactly how far out does that breakdown go? There was the cube of course which went haywire but the whole point of the Collective, as I thought it was, was that it would spread all over. This spreading is shown in the few times in Voyager when a virus is put into the Collective.


The other related question is, what is the function of the Queen? I know that the point of her is that there is a whole lot of mystery, but while the Borg are usually a giant collective, she's somehow at the helm and can order them all around? And in First Contact she is basically killed, am I to assume that was just a temporal paradox where she in the "real" timeline ISN'T dead? Or did I miss something there?


Just two things that I can't figure out when they come up :P any explanation is thankfully welcomed

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She is supposedly rectreated. She says something about Picard's idea that she was already dead after Best of Both Worlds was evidence of simplisctic thinking, its nothing about divergent timelines.


Otherwise bear in mind that there isn't an awful lot of continuity regarding the ideas behind the borg and you should stop looking for continuity. The borg is a seperate manifestation in TNG, First Contact, Voyager and Enterprise.


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Slug is right - the meta explanation is essentially that the Borg changed a great deal from episode to episode.


For an in-continuity solution... uh, well maybe the Queen became necessary as a way of solving problems... she's supposed to be innovative and stuff like that. I think it's safe to say that her physical body is unimportant as she exists in the collective's consciousness - or something.

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I'd be more interested to what happened to those drones who regained their individuality in E1S7 of Voyager. Axom says that he's aboard a borg vessel in the Beta Quadrant, and that he would try contacting Species 8472 hoping they would aid in the resistance known as "Unimatrix 0".

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Ah yes good point. However i think it's most likely that after unimatrix 0 was destroyed he would have been caught/gone into hiding or generally just been of very little disruption to the collective. Unless he happened to be on a borg vessel totally controled by drones from unimatrix 0.... :rolleyes:


You never know

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The Unimatrix 0 thing seemed a bit of a non-starter, the Borg Queen was willing to destroy every cube that contained "infected" invididuals. Which seemed a bit stupid, I think she was just showing off to 7 of 9. Although, it's not as if anyone asked the Borg Queen in End Game what had happened to them...

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The other related question is, what is the function of the Queen? I know that the point of her is that there is a whole lot of mystery, but while the Borg are usually a giant collective, she's somehow at the helm and can order them all around? And in First Contact she is basically killed, am I to assume that was just a temporal paradox where she in the "real" timeline ISN'T dead? Or did I miss something there?


Just two things that I can't figure out when they come up :P any explanation is thankfully welcomed



Long time no be on here. But I am currently reading the Star Trek Book "homecomming" and it goes into the borg a great deal I recomend taking a look at it. I have the E-book, just PM if you want it.


The Queen came about through a borg code called "The Royal Protocal". It was made to give the borg more direction. Yes, the borg can all communicate and assimilate but they just grew into a monarchy and developed the "Royal Protocal".


Also, the Borg queen can not die in a sense... all she is, is a protocal with a body. Its mistaken to think that she controls the Borg, the Borg control her.



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As it's a book, it's canon status is - at best - dubious but really, I think that sounds approximately like what is intimated in Voyager.


Although, in Voyager the impression is given that she is running the show, rather than being a conduit of royal will... and let's face it, the only reason she was really brought into existence is that First Contact would have been a lot harder to hammer into the action sci-fi shaped hole if it hadn't had a Bond style baddy to twirl moustache and threaten to throw Data into a pool of sharks with frikkin' laser beams on their heads.

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