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ENT: How Will It End?


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I've been meaning to post this for a while, but my username was on the outs..We have all seen alot of evidence and read/heard enough rumors to make the tabloids look like the Bible. Maybe I missed this posted elsewhere, but here's my theory on how Enterprise is going out...WHAT"S YOURS?


We already know Riker, Troi and a Holodeck (probably on Enterprise-D) are involved.



Put this together with the HUGE part the Temporal Cold War has played in the series as well as the empasis Daniels has put on the idea that Archer has something to do with the formation of the Federation of Planets AND the (brief) decriptions of season 4 episodes 20 and 21.


I believe it all comes together with the successful formation of the Federation with Riker and Troi observing it in 22nd century attire. Archer will turn down some Almighty position, probably to replace Admiral Forrest, to be with his crew to extend the hand of the newly formed Federation....


as the Enterprise NX-01 peels by the camera, Archer gives us the familiar "Space, the final frontier..." to excite (most of) us, then ("Ensign Mayweather, second star to the right, warp 6*), boom, she blurs off as the starlight darkens, cut by the yellow, squared lines of a holodeck, the camera pans to Riker and Trois, still in 22nd century garb. Then they say something to make us cry or piss us off as they enter the corridor, then out a portal to an exterior shot of the 24th century Enterprise going to warp...fade to black.


Hell, I don't need to watch now, if it ain't better than that we're forming a lynch mob. Hope You aren't thinking the same of me. And YES, warp 6, we have to get some sense that our Ship and Crew will progress without us.

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Jolene Blalock: "The final episode is appalling."


The final show doesn't take place on a holodeck, it takes place in a holosimulator.


.......In other words, the past 4 years of ENT are merely a theory Riker came up with. None of it ever really happened.


Further, the Enterprise is decommisioned & subsequently destroyed, and most of the cast are killed off, save for Archer & maybe T'Pol.


....My understanding is that Trip's death is especially lack-luster & dull........He dies needlessly.


We do get to see the signing of the Federation Charter, but since it is something Riker made up in his head, there's no way to be sure if it's real or not.......It probably isn't.


There's your "Valentine" from Bermann & Braga......A fake ending & a meaningless death.





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Jolene Blalock: "The final episode is appalling."


The final show doesn't take place on a holodeck, it takes place in a holosimulator.


.......In other words, the past 4 years of ENT are merely a theory Riker came up with. None of it ever really happened.


Further, the Enterprise is decommisioned & subsequently destroyed, and most of the cast are killed off, save for Archer & maybe T'Pol.


....My understanding is that Trip's death is especially lack-luster & dull........He dies needlessly.


We do get to see the signing of the Federation Charter, but since it is something Riker made up in his head, there's no way to be sure if it's real or not.......It probably isn't.


There's your "Valentine" from Bermann & Braga......A fake ending & a meaningless death.




God that sucks. The way Trip's death is mentioned. Reminds me of Tasha from TNG... That sucked, though I was growing old of every episode her talking about "the rape gangs."

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VonHelton said:


{There's your "Valentine" from Bermann & Braga......A fake ending & a meaningless death. }


B&B are making me angry now. They really screwed up ST after Gene Roddenberry died in 1991. Think about it, they released Nemesis in theatres only five days before Lord of the Rings. Did they really think people would flock to their movie when they were getting ready to watch a movie they waited a year to see? They have been there far too long, they screwed up Nemesis and now they are screwing up Enterprise.


FOR SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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When asked about the rumour which states that his character will die in the finale Trinneer provided the following by way of his answer. "They did what they felt like they had to do to wrap it up. That's not a ringing endorsement, I know."

Sci Fi Pulse


That's really the kicker for me, why not let us have happy memories of an intact crew, at least so the character can live on in books....but noooo, screw everyone. The only time characters should die is lack of talent, popularity or contract/ego disputes.

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u gotta be kidding me... THATs the best they can do? 4 years and they only came to that???? worst than star wars or any other sci-fi for that matter! shame on u UPN! :mad:


4 years BULLSNOT!!!!! more like 20+ years star trek has been on the air with berman working on it!!!! thats a fine farewell is you ask me!!!!!! holodeck my big broad behind!!!!!!

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I think I'll wait till I see the Series Finale, before I do any bitching or moaning.


But, regardless how it turns out, I think I'll probably still shed a tear or two...


but...but... i thought thats what forums were for....#itching and moaning.....

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I hope the finale some how involves Enterprise time warping to the early 80's for the soul purpose of removing Berman and Bragga from the time line, and Dr. Phlox giving Roddenberry some kind of immortality treatment.

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Erm, he may have created the franchise but Roddenbery was no saint either when it came to production - let's take The Motion Picture for example. He had his knuckles rapped strongly for that one.


The first few seasons of TNG - which are the weakest of 'em all.



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Erm, he may have created the franchise but Roddenbery was no saint either when it came to production - let's take The Motion Picture for example. He had his knuckles rapped strongly for that one.


The first few seasons of TNG - which are the weakest of 'em all.


I missed that knuckle rapping, how's that?

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I'd gladly watch Star Trek: The Motion Pitcure, with the Voyager 'Vger" Probe then the Star Trek: Voyager (Season 2 or 3 I think?) episode "Threshold" (The warp 10 ep, where Paris and Janeway turn into... uh.... lizards...? Yes, A Bragga Episode)

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I think I'll wait till I see the Series Finale, before I do any bitching or moaning.


But, regardless how it turns out, I think I'll probably still shed a tear or two...

I'm with GeneralLee on this one, but I already don't like the title... oh and the idea of having Riker and Troi there...

it tastes too much like Voyagers ending with the timetravel sh*t...

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