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self replicating robots


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thanks to Asimov we have the laws of robotics' date=' but will they be used? and if they are will they be used effectively.[/quote']


Keep in mind however that his last 'robot creation' over-ruled the first law, with a 0th law, wich states that he could harm a human if that were the only way to save humanity. What if the brain of the robot malfunctions and he comes to think that some humans are a threath to humanity. We would have one seriously hard to beat mass murderer on our hands then!


True, but isnt it better to give some rules on behaviour than none. If we dont give any guidance they would probably make up their own, what if they decide humans are a disease on the world and need to be wiped out. at least with the zeroth law, if crudly interpreted, it will still be in the interest of the greater good. I'd prefer that to mass extermination.


I think on top of those rules, it should also be clearly defined what exactly 'the greater good' is. And that is not an easy question at all!

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'good' is an abstract term that means different things to everybody... so what makes the 'greater good' any easier to nail down? -_-'


Instead of babbling about the 'greater good', a maybe a statement of principles focusing on improving the situation of humanity in specific and in general might be in order?

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Although they are self-replicating doesn't mean we are any closer to any sort of artificial intelligence, thats when the real fun begins, oh and when we got these things


It will be awhile yet i think untill we can make anything we can really call intelligent, and then concious is the real question, till then I pray for the day i can make enough money to buy me a sony qrio if they are ever released to the public.

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