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ENT: It's all over!! -- for now


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I teared up at the last episode, especially at the end. Not teared up becuase "Oh the Federation is being formed" or "Oh, there's Riker, Troi, and data's voice, oh happy day!" or "Shran got his daughter back, and Trip heroically saved the Captian's life by sacrificing his own".


I was kinda misty becuase it was just bad. Trek getting 86'd, in such a lack luster way. Had more of a feeling as a season finale, then a SERIES finale. Kinda had the same feeling as watching someone digging up your beloved pets grave, imo.


If they do another trek series, I don't know if I'd vote for a show with Shran as the lead charecter in the ent. timeline, but I'd definatelly cast my vote for anything with Jeffery Colmbs as the lead charecter, he's just an amazing actor.

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