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How do get warp drive??


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I'm pretty sure it involves creating a warp field around the ship which changes it's relative mass. I guess that's because according to Einstein, the closer something is to the speed of light, the higher it's mass becomes. Then the warp field pushes the lighter object at incredible speeds. I think it's still theoretically impossible as of yet, but you never know... :cyclops:

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lower mass is only part of it. even if you have an infinatesimal mass, it is still imposible to reach 3.0x10^8 m/s in the space-time continum that we reside in. But there holes popping up in relativity that allow ftl using very, and i mean VERY, high energy fields to create a 'subspace' field. That's the layman's explanation. CERN has already developed a method moving matter faster than light, however that required all of Zurich's power to be diverted and stored for the test. when they had enough, they created a strong enough gravametric distortion field (i think that's what they called it, but the name might have changed) to generate a 'subspace' bubble, where relativity has no meaning. Same idea as particle wave duality, a particle can exist both in space and sub space but if a particle was completely submerged in subspace, laws of space-time that we know whould not apply. This goes on with string theory and dark matter, and can't forget that ever loving multiverse. I will get the site and show you. for now you can go to cern's website which is at www.cern.ch

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Folding Space is an entirely different technology (See Voyager's "Prime Factors").


I don't think it has anything to do with reducing mass. Because even if your mass was zero you would only achieve light speed.


BTW, we broke the speed of light 3 times already using different means. That's the good news. The bad news is the only thing we could accelerate beyond the speed of light, was light. Damn it.

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but isn't light made up of particals (Atoms)? as light is made up op particals, so is everything else, i dont understand quantium mechanics but their are several therories that exist, but require so much power, some equal to the power of the sun.


So why can't we build a power source to power a warp drive??


We know how to create matter/anti-matter, but is this a potencial power source???

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Folding Space is an entirely different technology (See Voyager's "Prime Factors").


I don't think it has anything to do with reducing mass. Because even if your mass was zero you would only achieve light speed.


BTW, we broke the speed of light 3 times already using different means. That's the good news. The bad news is the only thing we could accelerate beyond the speed of light, was light. Damn it.


Maybe you can explain that assesement or provide a web ressource to support it, because for what I know the speed of light is invariant in a specific environnement (Water - air...). And since the photon has no electrical charge, it don't see how they can accelerate it.

Concerning Star trek Warp engines, for me it's not about reduce mass but augmenting it so much that you can warp space- time just like you're pulling a sheet on your bed in order to grab a distant object which is on.

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And so Fluidic space was created




Maybe you can explain that assesement or provide a web ressource to support it' date=' because for what I know the speed of light is invariant in a specific environnement (Water - air...). And since the photon has no electrical charge, it don't see how they can accelerate it. [/quote']


A photon has ONLY "electrical" charge. It has no mass whatsoever... in one theory of many.

As for your disbelief in accelerating photons:




Description: When photons are made to "surf" on a plasma wave, they can gain energy much like particles in an accelerator. In this case their frequency and hence their energy increases as does their group velocity.


Importance: The wave particle duality and the analogy between light and matter particles is fundamental to our understanding of nature. This understanding has led to new radiation sources that may lead to improved wireless communication sources, radar, etc. A patent has been awarded for this idea to J. Dawson, T. Katsouleas, W.B. Mori and C.H. Lai. A new experiment is underway to demonstrate a new type of photon accelerator that could become the highest power THz source in the world (i.e., GWatt).


Who and When: The originators of the photon accelerator idea are John Dawson, Scott Wilks, Warren Mori and Tom Katsouleas. The idea was first realized in experiments by Rick Savage and Chan Joshi. Photon acceleration from rest was demonstrated by C.H. Lai with Joshi, Katsouleas, P. Muggli and R. Liou in 1997. This experiment was profiled in Science, Research News 1995. Recent experiments for J. Hoffman's PhD. Thesis at USC have been submitted to J. Appl. Physics.


Like that. You understand this? I can explain in little more simple terms if you wish... although the first alinea pretty much is the most layman-wording possible.

I mean no disrespect, I just don't know your scientific background. Maybe you know better then me, who'd say?

Seeing your statement on photons however, I doubt your quantum / photon knowledge. No problem though, most people don't even understand what 'quantum' is... so you're a lot further then they are.


I hope I have given you enough information? If not, just say so... I'll try to explain to the best of my knowledge.


With the greatest respect,


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but isn't light made up of particals (Atoms)? as light is made up op particals' date=' so is everything else, i dont understand quantium mechanics but their are several therories that exist, but require so much power, some equal to the power of the sun. [/quote']


Okay. First of all: no one knows for certain whether light is made up of particles (if so, it should have mass) or whether it's a wave-like phenomenon.

Light behaves like a wave in some tests, and like particles in another.


For example: lasers have been used (in combination with EM-fields) to slow down super fast particles like quarks and stuff in particle accelerators. Also tests have been done to propel a solar sailer, using the pressure of light for motion. Also, light can only as a particle be attracted by gravitic fields (like with the black hole stuff).


Counterexample: if light is a particle, it should travel ONLY in a straight line. Usually it does, but when you have a very small gap between two light-blocking instances, it has been observed that light moves off in other directions... much like water does when you have two wave-breaking instances (say, a slide-rule on the surface ot water), you'll notice waves to progress in a curved way from the gap. Some wave goes straight ahead, but others go in other directions.


The discussion whether light is a particle or a wave is quite stuck. My suggestion is that the definitions of particle and wave are too restrictive. Why not define another possibility, like using the ultrastring theory? But that's advanced quantummechanics... We shouldn't delve too deep here. I'll post my own warp-theory after I finish this one, okay?


So why can't we build a power source to power a warp drive??


Because we don't know hell about creating artificial gravity wells, protecting ourselves from it, etcetera. We're stuck on ground-level actually, because our theorizing is flawed. The foundations of our warp-theories are incorrect. Read the next post on how to solve this problem.


We know how to create matter/anti-matter, but is this a potencial power source???


First, the energy necessary to control the annihilation-reactions total energy output is far greater than the energy provided by the reaction itself.

Second, more important, you need an immense amount of energy to maintain the reaction. A star's gravitic field keeps the stuff reacting... but it cannot be reproduced well enough.

We would not be able to survive in a range of a few hundred meters around a mini-annihilator. So how large would you want your ship to be?


With the greatest respect,


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Bah. Can't get the thing working.


Well, I have a sim program that mimics gravitic forces in subvisible distance ranges. At least, it should do that.


Okay, here is my theory. I couldn't get it to work with my program, so that's one bad start!


String theories are all agreed one the one statement that anything defined by them has its own unique frequency of coinciding strings. They are also agreed on the universe maintaining balance.


If we could find a way to create string frequency alterations (dangerous stuff since it's the root of existence), we could disbalance the universe.

Because if we create a certain frequency on our location, it will be a duplicate of some other location, but with us in it: so at that one instant there are two you's and me's on two different locations.

Universe restoring itself will then destroy one of the two instances, hence, we will only remain on the other location.

Since we are an exact copy of our original selves, we are what we were. All memories and stuff will be exactly the same.


There is a 50% chance that your original location is erased, because the universe destroys one of the two instances. Your starting position is destroyed, you'll be in the place you wanted to go. Your destination position is destroyed, and you will still be there. It'll be like nothing happened.


There is only one slight problem. How in his name could we ever shield ourself against a string-shift. For if we duplicate our own starting location somewhere else, there would be the problem of how to project a frequency change somewhere out there. Keep it 'simple' and stick to projecting your destination on your present location. This will erase you however, since you are not present on the other location yet.

You'll have to protect yourself against the changing frequency. In order to do so, you must select the strings that define YOU, and keep those constant.

That's a hell of a job, believe me.


But the theory works. Now if only I could get that damned program running... well.. it's calculating now, but it's draining my almighty CPU power like it's running Doom 3 on a 086. (having two pc's turns out to be nice... so I've found my use for my SUPERPC) B)


Concerning my previous post, it was a little too presumptuous I guess.. ;)

There are some scientists busy with defining wave-particle duality... but that branch of science is still only an infant...

A smartass infant, but only an infant.


Ah, I've found something. If you project a location near you, instead of on you present location, you could move into the projected location and avoid all of the erasing stuff. Hmmm... I guess you'd be erased anyway. It's like jumping in a black hole.. Ever tried that? No one ever sees you reach the center... ;)


Well, it may be a start??


With the greatest respect,



btw, it's freezing in my room. Bah. Only thing giving off heat is my superpc... it's like melting where it stands. Think I'll just shut it down. That program isn't going to work. Damn.

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Hello Elladan,


thanks for your explanations and for keeping it simple enough for me to understand. Visibly you have a great deal of knowledge about these topics which is not my case, I'm just eager to learn and try to understand the best i can, my scientific background is limited to my high school graduation classes and it was 15 years ago, so I have a lot of catch up to do... ;)

If my answer might had seemed crude, it's because english is not my mother tongue (I'm french), I was not trying to challenge anyone.


Respect is ours





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